Life goes on, and very soon this epilogue as a volunteer interpreter will come to a close. For all that, it's been a fairly relaxed experience compared to last year, enough so that I was able to go to an internship interview earlier this week. Next week, after saying goodbye to the Japanese group, I'll go to another interview, this time for a paying job. And then I'll be off to an undisclosed location for a week of learning and rejuvenation.
Meanwhile, I'm getting ready for the Sense and Sensibility conference in October.
"After all that is bewitching in the idea of one's happiness depending entirely on one person, it is not always possible, we must accept."
What does one do at a 'Sense and Sensibility' conference? Talk about the greatness that is Jane Austen? And best wishes on your interview.
Only a small part of this journey we call life is luck. All of the positive energy you've already set into motion with your grass-roots communication efforts will spring forth new opportunities. And all of the lives you've touched thus far will return such grace to you when you are in need. Good luck with your interview and enjoy the fruits of all of your hrad work!
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