Sunday, July 31, 2011

Glory Bound

It's my very last night in Ikata.

I can hardly feel anything right now-
the fact that I'm leaving in seven and a half hours
a place that has, through good times and bad,
become home to me
is laying heavy on me like a death sentence.

But I know
things will get better,
I'll get used to a new way of life,
and the pain of separation will fade
though my memories will not.
I'll be whole.

Monday, July 4, 2011

little dorrit

I watched the miniseries (Little Dorrit) this past weekend. This shot, which has been my wallpaper for the last couple months, seems like it could be a portal into that Dickensian universe.

Great frivolous waste of a weekend, you might say. Well, maybe so, but I submit that we can always profit from gentle reminders about things like the flaws in our own characters and how well off we generally are today. Despite impending unemployment, I at least will have no reason to be thrown in a debtors' prison like the Marshalsea. The story had a most interesting angle on the effect of environment on identity, too. How I should like to discuss it with someone!