Sunday, June 5, 2011

all the small things

I have a confession to make. I finished decorating only three or four eggs in time for Easter this year. Yesterday, I finally put the final touches on the last blown egg I had. I don't have photos of them yet, because until the good light was gone they were lying in all kinds of awkward positions around the room while their lacquer coats were drying.

Meanwhile, I got to do something I've been wanting to do for two or three months: clean up all the dye!

(Seriously, I have been wanting that. The stark minimalist in me does not like messy lined boxes full of glass jars of egg dye, hanging around my apartment, making nuisances of themselves for months on end.)

As I was wiping out the last vestiges of dye from the jars, the sun broke through the clouds and illuminated the little pile of discarded labels next to the sink. And I just thought, wow. Colors are so amazing.

That's all. Enjoy the little things this week!

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