Sunday, March 28, 2010

Holy Week

Today, Palm Sunday, marks the start of Holy Week!

This is the week leading up to the ultimate sacrifice, the ultimate vigil, and the ultimate feast of the Church year.
It is always intense.

Some of the good advice I've heard for these last days of Lent (these first seven are from a sermon on EWTN last week):

1. Fix your eyes on Jesus Christ.
2. Praise the Lord at all times, especially at Mass.
3. Repent with a humble and contrite heart, and take part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
4. Wield the sword of the spirit--the Word of God, Scripture. Read it daily. Lectio Divina.
5. Attack the evil one through prayer and especially fasting, according to the guidelines of the Church.
6. Surround yourself with Christian community to avoid becoming isolated in spiritual warfare. Partake frequently of the sacraments, and use sacramentals.
7. Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I say, rejoice!

-Keep your focus. There is a lot of good to be done and a lot of grace to be gained this week if we only pay attention, and refuse to be distracted by temptations to selfishness, gloominess, sloth, etc.

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